Saturday, 6 April 2013

Nigerian Salad Recipe

Enjoy this healthy delicious salad recipe.


  • 1 medium sized cabbage
  • 5 medium sized carrots
  • 1 can of sweet peas
  • 1 can of sweet corn
  • 1 can of baked beans (in tomato sauce)
  • 2 cans of tuna fish (optional)
  • 1 bottle of Heinz salad cream (for dressing; it works best with this recipe but you can   substitute with mayonnaise)
  • 4 small Irish potatoes (optional)
  • 5 plum tomatoes (optional)
  • Wash and cook the Irish potatoes until done
  • Peal off the egg shell, slice and set aside (using an egg slicer will be more preferable)
  • Wash all the vegetables separately and set aside
  • Cut the cabbage into tiny shreds
  • Scrape the carrot with kitchen knife and thereafter shred them using a grater (you may want to wash the carrot again after scraping)
  • Peal and dice the potatoes
  • Peal the cucumber (you may want to leave some part of the flesh for added colour) cut open and remove the seed, then cut them into small cubes (about the size of the diced potatoes)
  • Also remove the seeds from the plum tomatoes and cut into small pieces
  •  Transfer all the cut vegetables into separate bowls and set them aside
  • Open the can of sweet corn and peas and drain out the water, rinse the seeds in cold water and also set aside
  • Also open the other cans of baked beans and tuna fish
  • Get a salad bowl big enough to contain all the ingredients when added together
  • Start putting all the ingredients (apart from the egg) bit by bit in rounds into the bowl until they are all exhausted 
  • Now add the sliced eggs on top of it
  • Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, so that the ingredients can mix well
  • I recommend you serve with Heinz salad cream or Ceaser salad cream dressing, as they work best with this recipe, you can also use mayonnaise if you wish
Tips for making Nigerian Salad;
  1. You may also add Avocado, corned beef, green bell pepper for varied taste, flavour and colour
  2. You can also substitute the cabbage with lettuce if you don't want it crunchy
  3. You may also want to wash your cabbage in salted warm water before slicing it
Nigerian salad can be eaten alone or with either, coconut rice, fried rice, jellof rice or roasted/grilled chicken and fish

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